Holiday Wish

prayer candles

Before the senseless act this past Friday that stole twenty precious little angels from grieving families and six heroes trying to protect these beautiful babies, my holiday greeting may have read differently but it is just as heartfelt.

The world is grieving these twenty innocent little children who never had the chance to dream their dreams and make their mark, as well as the six adults whose selfless devotion to these children put them in harm’s way.  We grieve because we can only imagine how it would feel to have our world turned inside out, to feel such a crushing loss.  Some of you may grieve because you have experienced such a loss.

These unthinkable acts of violence occur far too often, all around the world.  We do not visualize them happening in sleepy little communities where everyone feels part of an extended family.  No one can fathom laying to rest innocent little babies; it is just beyond comprehension.  Lives of families touched by such violence are forever changed, and happening during the Christmas season will forever dampen the joy normally felt at this time.

My wish for everyone this holiday is that we truly remember the reason for this season and have God in our hearts and in our homes. Now more than ever we need hope; we need to feel connected to our family and loved ones; we need to feel needed and loved and have someone in our lives to offer us strength.

If you are missing this in your life, reach out to another for help, and if you are blessed to have great joy in your life at this time, touch someone else’s life, passing on this beautiful gift.  There are so many lost and troubled souls in the world right now.  Perhaps if we extend a loving hand some of this violence can be averted.  We need to start somewhere.

May all who are suffering this holiday season be given the gift of inner peace and let us hold all those close in our hearts who are suffering the devastating loss of a loved one.  Fyodor Dostoyevsky said “the darker the night, the brighter the stars,
the deeper the grief, the closer is God.”  God must be very close indeed right now.

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