Creating Stress-Free Travel During the Holidays

I have never been one to enjoy flying the friendly skies during the holiday season, trying to avoid long security lines and schlepping luggage through crowded airports at all costs. This has never invoked a sense of peace in me, and even less so in hubby, whose looks during the times we have ventured onto airplanes during this joyous season would keep anyone at arms’ length. 😲

After a lengthy autumn road trip to visit family and friends and before the frigid weather descended upon the Midwest, we opted to take a more laid-back approach to the holidays this year and still escape from home. We found ourselves getting back behind the wheel three short weeks after we arrived home, this time not to hopscotch across the country but with a single destination in mind – Albuquerque.

We have recently discovered the joy of housesitting, something I have read about and questioned others about for many years. I always seemed to push it to the back burner instead of doing the research necessary and developing a profile for ourselves. This year I took the time, did my homework, and jumped in with both feet. We have completed three sits and are now doing a fourth, spending the holidays in a beautiful setting, looking forward to visiting friends, and immersing ourselves in the local culture, of which there is plenty.

Housesitting is not something you would want to consider if you don’t like getting lots of slobbery, grateful kisses, but is especially rewarding if you need a fix of the furry 4-legged variety.

Since we are still doing lots of traveling, we have opted to not have a pet in our lives right now, so for us this has been the next best thing. This type of adventure has also put us in position to explore areas new to us, which always broadens our lives.

While we settle into this lovely Albuquerque home and prepare to enjoy the sights, sounds, and aromas swirling around us this festive season, we are grateful for the time shared with family and friends this year, as well as the friends I have met in the blogosphere. You have all enriched my life more than you can know. I will be forever thankful for all the wisdom you have imparted, the beautiful images you have shared, and the intriguing destinations you have added to our travel list.

May each day of this holiday season fill you all with a sense of wonder and awe and find you looking forward to a new year with a daily sense of gratitude. We wish you the happiest of holidays and a 2019 filled with countless new adventures, good health, and lots of love!