Time for Change

I have reflected upon the subject of change for some time now.  That little voice that speaks to us, the one that we are so very good at ignoring at times, has been incessantly chattering away at me recently.  She has become so noisy that I feel I can no longer ignore her.

For me, the struggle with trying to maintain a balance between sitting at my computer and attacking some of the items on my bucket list; e.g. learning a new craft, doing more introspective writing, taking classes, spending more time in nature, has not gone away.  I know many of you bloggers have struggled as well with this delicate balance as we are introduced to yet another wonderful blog to follow.   I feel the time is right for setting aside my old routine and immersing myself in new activities.

So, with that said, I have decided to take a hiatus from blogging, giving me time to focus on some other things that I feel will nourish me.  I will try to keep in touch where I can with those I’ve been following and want to thank all who have supported me these past five years.  Your comments have enriched me tremendously and I know I will feel a void when I step away, as I feel a special kinship to this blogging community.  But I need to broaden my horizons and give myself this time to get to know me a bit better.  I’m not sure where this part of the journey will take me so don’t really know if travel blogging will call me back or not.

I wish you much light, love and laughter as you continue on your journeys.

With heartfelt  gratitude, I bid you adieu for now.


83 thoughts on “Time for Change

  • I think you are making exactly the right decision. You need to follow your heart’s calling to grow and expand. I have enjoyed your blog posts very much over the past two years I’ve been subscribing and will miss your writing and lovely pictures. Wishing you the best as you continue on your journey!

    • Thanks so much Marcia. Not sure where my journey will take me, perhaps right back to blogging. One never knows! The very best to you as well. {Hugs}

  • Lu, this post has brought tears to my eyes. Even though I don’t always comment on your blog posts, I always read them. I think everyone will agree, that we will miss your beautiful gifts to us, i.e., your wonderful way with words, and your improved skills with your camera. I think I can speak for all of your followers, in that we will miss your blog. I wish you well on your new path. Take care.

  • I do believe Joan said what we all think. While I, too, will miss your blogging, especially your writing, I understand completely how overwhelming blogging and following can become. Sometimes I am thrilled that we don’t have any connection to the cyber world so I can get away. But it was your writing that drew me to your blog so that I will dearly miss. We’ll stay in touch and reconnect real soon for a personal update:)

    • Thanks for understanding Pam. I read somewhere that the average life of a blog is 3 years and mine has been running for 5. I have been feeling for some time that a change is in the air. When we are retired and anything begins to feel like work or a struggle, then I think it is time to make a change. I look forward to continuing my writing, although in a different way. We will definitely keep in touch. Love you and John. 🙂

      • Nothing should be a struggle in retirement:) I do hope you find joy in exploring your own writing journey. You have a beautiful way with the printed word and need to continue. I hope you find a way to share your words with us one day. But for now just enjoy writing for yourself:)

        Love you both and can’t wait to see you:)

  • Thank you, LuAnn. Though I don’t know you, I have enjoyed your photos and blog. You have given us a resource for further exploration. Striking a balance is a never ending task. I’m sure new adventures await you. 🙂 Charles and Jean Wallace

    • Thanks so much Charles. Perhaps one day our paths will cross, as we are not done traveling yet! Enjoy your time on the road and have many more grand adventures. 🙂

  • Thank you for giving me so much support through the years. Thank you for sharing your travel, knowledge, thoughts, and insights with us. I will miss you…, LuAnn.

  • Reading your post, LuAnn, has made me wonder if I should also listen to the little voice which has been chattering away in the background for me too. It’s very hard to take leave of something which gives us so much pleasure, and those friends who have accompanied us on our blog journey. I wish you all the best with your new and exciting ventures. I’ve so enjoyed reading about your adventures and interacting with you here. *hugs*

    • Sylvia, It has been difficult to think about walking away from this beautiful community that has nourished me so much. But for some time now that voice has been beckoning to me and there are many things on my bucket list that I have been ignoring. So I feel I owe it to myself to go in a different direction for awhile. Hopefully I will learn a few things about myself. You never know, I might just learn that blogging is where I need to be. I will still check in with you from time to time and wish you and your family the very best. I have so enjoyed following along with you.

    • Thanks so much Clanmother. Who knows, I may be back to blogging before you know it! I will certainly check in with you as often as I can. Much happiness to you!

      • I just got back from a 8 month hiatus. It is good to be back refreshed. I have a feeling that you’ll be back in the future. You will know the time and place. This is your story and that is what makes it so very special. Hugs coming your way.

      • Your comment has touched my heart Clanmother. I may be back, but for now I am excited to explore this next phase of my journey. The very best to you. Big hugs coming back your way. 🙂

  • You will definitely be missed, but there comes a point where blogging needs to take a back seat to other endeavors. I’ve struggled with this issue lately myself. Wishing you well and hope your hiatus brings great pleasures and adventures and discoveries!

    • Thanks so much Gunta. I am excited about exploring some other avenues. Of course the travel part is not going away. I will check in with you as I can. 🙂

  • I completely understand, I think it’s important to follow our hearts. I also think change is a good thing. But I am glad to know that you will continue to pursue writing, as I think you write beautifully. And I hope you keep in touch.

    • Thanks so much Brenda. I’m not sure where this journey will take me. Who knows, I may come right back to this blog. We are still going to travel and we still want to keep in touch with the friends with have met on the road, so we will most definitely keep in touch. If you are in the SD area this winter we would love to see you two. 🙂

    • Thanks so much Lisa. Not sure where this next phase will take me but I am excited to find out. Best to you and Hans. I will follow along with your adventures as time permits. Take care!

  • Luann, It has been a grand adventure to be brought along with you! Thank you for all the beautiful pictures and prose. All the best in whatever you decide to do next. I am sure it will be interesting.

  • Oh LuAnn…I know exactly how you feel. Paul and I just talked today about our blog. I will continue to do it as long as my dad is alive. Our girls like following us and many of our church family members back on Ohio enjoyed traveling along.

    We wish you so much happiness with your new discoveries. God Bless you and the family that we have enjoyed knowing…if only through your posts.

    • Thanks so much Pam. We still hope to meet you and Paul one day, so I will stay in touch as I can. The very best to you, Paul, and your family. I feel blessed to have met so many of you through this blog. 🙂

  • LuAnn, I’m going to miss your eloquent blog posts and gorgeous photos. At the same time, I’m very happy to hear that you’re following what calls to you and nourishes you in the present moment. We can’t go wrong when we listen to the calling of our soul! I’ll be forever grateful that I discovered your blog — without it, we might never have met in person. Many blessings as you embark on new explorations, my friend! You must feel so FREE!!!! :-))

    • Your comment truly speaks to my soul Laurel and I will be forever grateful that our paths have crossed. Right now I do feel liberated but there is a sadness as well as I have been nourished so much by this blogging community. But it is time for me to take another path and see what I find there. Who knows what the future holds? I just know that that little voice inside me has been calling me to move beyond my blog for awhile now, so I feel I must at least take this time to explore other avenues. I will keep in touch and wish the very best always to you and Eric. Safe travels my friend, and grand adventures!

  • Luann although it does not surprise me to read your post, I will admit to getting choked up reading it. I don’t say that to make you feel badly but to let you know how much your support and enthusiasm has meant to me over the past two years. I have been inspired by your active lifestyle and astounding photos. I applaud you for listening to your inner voice.
    Please know should you ever come to Alberta we would welcome you both with open arms. Meanwhile I send you hugs and positive energy on your new path wherever it might lead. Be happy and well. Xo

    • I am so touched by your comment Sue. I too so much appreciate your support these past two years. You both have inspired me to consider delving into an even more active lifestyle so I thank you for that. It is still early to be considering our travel plans next year but right now we are tentatively planning a trip up your way and I very much want to meet the two of you. I will be following along with several of you, albeit on a more limited basis for the time being. Who knows what the future holds? I am excited by the possibilities. Much light and laughter to you both! 🙂

  • I can’t deny I’m going to miss your writing and beautiful pics, but I totally understand the need for change. I met you thro blogging and I’ll be forever grateful for that, but life moves on as in all things. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do, and I know you’ll rock at it! Stay in touch, my dear!


    • Thanks so much Nina! I will be forever grateful for those beautiful souls I have met through blogging. I don’t know what the future holds. I just know this next phase of my journey is calling to me. I will keep in touch and hopefully see you both again soon. Much happiness and grand adventures to you two. 🙂

  • My dear friend, you have been so amazing with all you have written on here and all the support you have given. I know how challenging things can be with blogging taking over one’s life and I hope you stay in touch as I will miss you loads and of course we still need to meet sometime as well.

    • You, dear sir, cannot get rid of me that easy. I was be keeping in touch and will continue writing. I will have more time to read books, so of course I will need some guidance from you. 🙂 All the very best to you Ste J. And we are going to meet someday. 🙂

      • I am always around my friend and yes, I need to make time to visit you and give you a list of books that will whet your appetite. Its good to read and to have you time and its even more of a privilege for you to have me time haha!

  • Hi LuAnn! You have expressed very clearly what I have been feeling for the last few weeks and I couldn’t have put it any better. I wish you all the very best with whatever you choose to do and I hope it makes you happy. Big hugs from your virtual friend, Carol xx

    • Thank you Carol. I think many have struggled with this very same thing as there are so many fabulous blogs out there but only so many hours in the day. After a hiatus I may return; I just don’t know. What I do know is that I need to pursue other activities at this time in my life. Good luck with making a decision yourself Carol. Much happiness to you!

  • Oh LuAnn how I will dearly miss your beautiful blog and you! But of course I understand. Blogging takes up a lot of time both writing your own and reading others. Mine is about five years old too. There have been times where I’ve felt burnt out a little bit but I figure I will keep it up as long as I travel and explore. I have always kept a travel journal and diary until I started blogging and despite the time commitment it has given me so much reward to write. Hope you occasionally stop back now and then with a random post. Follow you bucket list goals and go for it! 😉

  • LuAnn, I can certainly understand this decision and I support you whole heartedly even though I will miss your wonderful pictures and blogs… Hugs and love from one of your Rving friends Jan and Kent too

    • Thanks Jan. I will still be checking in periodically but for now I feel the need to pursue other interests. The very best to you and Kent.

  • LuAnn, James and I will miss you tremendously and wish you and Terry all the very best in your next adventure. We always look forward to your beautiful posts, photos, and insightful comments. But we totally understand the need for a change – we’ve pretty much based our entire lives around that. 🙂 Have a blast and come back for a visit any time – we’ll keep the light on. 🙂 Much love, light, and laughter, Terri

    • Thanks so much Terri and James. I will definitely come back for visits as we are now switching our travel plans for next year and are contemplating some international travels. So, of course I must come back, as yours is the quintessential site for all things abroad. Much happiness and continues grand adventures for you both. 🙂

  • I have enjoyed your writings but understand what a fabulous feeling it is to be away. A sense of freedom! I wish you the best of everything. And know… if or when you return… everyone will be here welcoming you!

  • Oh no! I will miss my number one commenter! I have always enjoyed your eloquent and poetic writing and will surely miss them. But the freedom from blogging is definitely worth pursuing. Hope you will share with us your new adventures wherever it may lead. Who knows we may stumble on you one day somewhere sometime.
    I wish you and Terry good luck on your new chapter in life and wish you the best.

    • Thanks MonaLiza and I will be checking in periodically. We are not giving up on traveling so hopefully our paths will cross again. We wish you and Steve much love, happiness, and grand adventures, wherever life takes you!

  • This is probably not the best time to say this given your hiatus on blogging, but I just thought I’d mention your site looks very interesting. I can’t believe how many states you’ve visited!

  • Dear LuAnn,
    I read your post earlier, but now feel the need to comment. For me blogging is a hobby, not a job, a way to chronicle our RVing journey and let friends and loved ones know what we are doing.
    Enjoy life – blog when you can and don’t when you can’t.

  • Have a wonderful non blogging time LuAnn, not being held or responding to the virtual world has become the modern treat, strange as that may be. I’ll miss reading about your travels and seeing the wonderful pictures, I was able to enjoy those places through you and I’m grateful x

    • Thanks so much Mike. After 5 years I felt a respite was in order. I will check in from time to time and will be listening to your beautiful music in the meantime. 🙂

  • I just had this time. Actually, still having it. I’ve grown so much here in Greece and that I wanted to progress even further. I set a lot of goals for myself and I was achieving them. I started to cut back on blogging until I had that long hiatus. I don’t think I’ll ever leave blogging for good, but I can no longer let it eat most of my time. (I’m not implying anything negative about blogging.) I will still blog, but it won’t be the same as before.
    Good luck to you in all your endeavors.

    • You have summed up how I feel about blogging Rommel. I was letting it consume my time and not doing many of the things my heart was telling me to do. Hopefully I will be back someday. Are you planning to come back to CA any time soon? We are in So Cal right now.

  • Taking a break is good from time to time. That’s what I did for more than 4 months. I’ve started a jewellery crafting business, took a lot of time but I’m very happy with the result. I’m going back to blogging because I miss it. You will probably come back at one point. Good luck with your projects !

  • Change, change, oh constant change! Life would be so boring if not for constant change, LuAnn.
    Here’s hoping you are loving and fully engaged in your new pursuits. As much as your articles/posts brought delight (and a little envy), we all know how important it is to follow your heart. One never knows what is around the next corner. With that in mind, LuAnn, I hope there are many ‘corners’ for you.

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